From CBS 7
By Samantha Medney – Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Filling medical equipment with colorful water, and pouring it out on a sponge. It’s a way for Big Spring summer campers to see their emotions build up and eventually pour out.
It’s one tool in learning how emotions can trigger asthma attacks, and how to control them.
“It’s a fun way of learning how to control my asthma,” said Jaden Herrera.
Scenic Mountain Medical Center is doing their part with this free three day asthma camp to give children the confidence that asthma shouldn’t prevent kids from being kids.
The children are learning how to properly use their inhalers and other tools to show how their breathing is.
Instead of having to rush to the hospital all the time, these kids are learning how to control and face their asthma.
“Now I can help my friends if they have an asthma attack,” said Emma Fernandez.
Family nurse practitioner Megan Chandler says if your child is having an asthma attack, to follow their doctor’s orders and use their rescue inhaler.
If their breathing isn’t improving, rush your child to an ER, as an untreated asthma attack could be life threatening.